Gudey-Kashtalyan Vera Grigorevna

Gudey-Kashtalyan Vera

Gudey-Kashtalyan Vera born in Zhilichi of Kirov district, Mogilev region (Belarus). Candidate of arts (1999), associate Professor (2005); member of the Belarusian Union of composers and the Belarusian Union of musicians.

In 1990 graduated from the Belarusian state Conservatoire name A. In. Lunacharskogo (class a candidate of art criticism, the senior lecturer Aladova Radoslava Nikolaevna), in 1996. - post-graduate studies (scientific supervisor- Prof. Dr. Ph., leading researcher of the music Department The Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore name Kondrat Krapiva of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Mdivani Tatsiana Gerasimovna). In 1999 she defended her thesis «Composition and dramatic features of the Belarusian ballet as a genre of musical and theatrical art». Worked as a teacher of musical-theoretical disciplines in the Molodechno music school name M. Oginsky, the Belarusian state Institute of culture and arts, Belarusian state Conservatory name A.V. Lunacharskogo (now the Belarusian state Academy of music), as well as at the Institute of culture of Belarus.

Scientific-research activity encompasses a wide range of issues, connected with questions of theory and history of musical and theatre arts. In the center of attention are: the specifics of the theatrics and the theater thinking, the principles of musical and theatre Symphony, the phenomenology of musical and theatrical genres (opera, ballet, musical, creative process and individually-author of the concept, especially the production of interpretation, etc. Area of research also is a work of Belarusian composers, artists, conductors and Directors, actors (artists of opera and ballet), musicians and artists. Of particular interest are the questions of interaction between science and pedagogy - a variation of integration and individual creative approach. An interesting perspective of a number of research is connected with gender issues.

Among the scientific achievementsis the development of theoretical concepts ballet genre (the study of the principles of system formation of genre structure of the ballet, the analysis of the main mechanisms of its functioning, justification and definition of the main mechanism genre formation ballet - simulated genre synthesis,genre typology of models of ballet), as well as an original interpretation of the historical processes of the evolution and development of the ballet as a musical-theatrical genre, which reflect the «era» protokanon, canon and postkanon. In addition, the method for analysis of ballet works in connection with the characteristic for the ballet of the XX century the principles of composition-the drama of the organization and its genre varieties: ballet novel type, horeoplastic and symphonic ballet.

Critical and publicistic activity is connected with media coverage of the current state and development of the national musical-theater, and more broadly, art and culture. Presented in certain periodicals of Belarus: the newspaper «Culture», «Art and Literature», «Teacher's Newspaper», magazines «Yuthfulness», «Art».

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I. Sections (parts of the sections), scientific publications, textbooks, courses
    1. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. World and Belarusian musical theater. Program of the course. - Minsk.: BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture and Arts, 2005. - 23 p.
    2. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Belarusian ballet: composer activity // Belarusians. T. 11. Music / Т. Varfalomeeva [other]; Science Editor I. Lakotko; National. Acad. Series of Belarus, The Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore name K. Nettles: Belarusian Science, 2008. – P. 594 - 625.
    3. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. “The little Prince” of E. Glebov // Belarusian music of the second half of the twentieth century: textbook / ed. К.I. Stepantsevich; ed. G.S. Gluschenko, К.I. Stepantsevich. - Minsk: Star Verasok, 2009. - P. 211 - 215.
    4. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. “Wings of memory” V. Кondrusevicha // Belarusian music of the second half of the twentieth century: textbook / ed. К.I. Stepantsevich; ed. G.S. Gluschenko, К.И. Stepantsevich. - Minsk: Star Verasok, 2009. - P. 215 - 217.
    5. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. “The passion” A. Mdivani // Belarusian music of the second half of the twentieth century: textbook / ed. К.I. Stepantsevich; ed. G.S. Gluschenko, К.I. Stepantsevich. - Minsk: Star Verasok, 2009. - P. 217 - 221.
    6. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. “Mephistopheles” V. Kandrusievicha // Belarusian music of the second half of the twentieth century: textbook / ed. К.I. Stepantsevich; ed. G.S. Gluschenko, К.И. Stepantsevich. - Minsk: Star Verasok, 2009. - P. 221 - 224.
    7. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. “Whirl” О. Zaletneva // Belarusian music of the second half of the twentieth century: textbook / ed. К.I. Stepantsevich; ed. G.S. Gluschenko, К.I. Stepantsevich. - Minsk: Star Verasok, 2009. - P. 224 - 227.
    8. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. “Macbeth” V. Kuznetsova // Belarusian music of the second half of the twentieth century: textbook / ed. К.I. Stepantsevich; ed. G.S. Gluschenko, К.I. Stepantsevich. - Minsk: Star Verasok, 2009. - P. 227 - 230.
    9. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Choreographic art / V. Gudey-Kashtalyan // Culture of Belarus: 20 years of development (1991 - 2011) : the monograph, Section IV. Professional art / S.P. Vinokurova [etc.]; Ed.. O.A. Galkina, I.G. Golubeva. - Minsk : Institute of culture of Belarus. - 2012. - P. 134 - 142.
    10. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. (in co-authorship) Presidential funds. Creative unions / S. P. Vinokurova, V. G. Gudey-Kashtalyan // Culture of Belarus: 20 years of development (1991 - 2011) : the monograph Section II of the State policy in the sphere of culture / S.P.. Vinokurova [etc.]; Ed.. O.A. Galkina, I.G. Golubeva. - Minsk : Institute of culture of Belarus, Section IV. Professional art. - 2012. - P. 134 - 142.

II. Article
    11. Gudey -Kashtalyan V. Genre-stylistic peculiarities of the Belarusian ballet 90-ies of the XX century // the State and prospects of development of the national art criticism: collection of scientific works of young critics, ed. R.B. Smolski. Mn.: АrtiFaks, 2001. - P. 265 - 272.
    12. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. New Belarusian ballet // Panorama of the art in a range of contemporary research.: collection of scientific articles / Editorial Board Рэдкал.: N.А. Agafonova, V.G. Gudey-Kashtalyan, V.P. Prokoptsova (execute. editor.) Mn.: BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture, 2004. - P.79 - 83.
    13. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Simulated genre synthesis as a principle жанрообразования non-classical ballet // Questions of art history, ethnology and folklore. Issue 2 / Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore of the K. nettle NASB; sciences. ed. A.I.Lakotko. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2007. - P. 184-189.
    14. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. The ratio of music and choreography in the historical development of the ballet genre // Questions of art history, ethnology and folklore. Issue 5 / Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore of the K. Nettle NASB; sciences ed. A.I.Lakotko. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2008. - P. 167 -176.
    15. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. Symphony ballet, the hereditary development in the works of Belarusian composers // Questions of art history, ethnology and folklore. Issue 8 / Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore of the K. Nettle NASB; sciences ed. A.I.Lakotko. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2010 - P. 144-152.
    16. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. The theatrical aspect of symphonic // Questions of art history, ethnology and folklore. Issue 12 / Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore of the K. nettle NASB; sciences ed. A.I.Lakotko. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2012. - P. 170 -180.
    17. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. Composer Andrey Mdivani // Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G., Mdivani T.G., Savickaya O.P. / / Bulletin of the Belarusian State Academy of Music: Vol. 20 / Belarusian State Akadmiya music, ch. ed. V.L. Yakonyuk. - Minsk, 2012. - P. 142 - 151.
    18. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. A "round table" with sharp corners / V. G. Gudey-Kashtalyan / / Bulletin of the Institute of Culture. - № 2 (5), 2012. - P. 135 - 138.

III. Articles in encyclopedias
    "Gostsitsa", "Krugaverts" / / Theatre of Belarus: Entsykl.: In 2 volumes - Mn., 2002. - Vol.1

    Molodechnensky folk theater of urban DC, Molodechnensky folk theater furniture factory, "Macbeth," V. Kuznetsov, Romanticism in music theater, "Romeo and Juliet", "The Passion", Theatre Workshops, Theatre Symphony (in ballet), the film-ballet, ballet Horeoplastychny twentieth century. (Dance Theatre) / / Theatre of Belarus: Entsykl.: In 2 volumes - Mn., 2003. - Volume 2.

    Grushevskii V.A., Gulegina M.A., Dorofeeva I.A., Drama Music, Discography, Eurovision Song Contest, "Golden Hit", "Bells of Sofia", "Ringing dulcimer and accordion”, "Land under White Wings" / / Culture of Belarus: the encyclopedia. V.3 / Editorial Board.: T.V.Belova ( [And others] .. - Minsk: Belarusian Encyclopedia name BROVKI, 2012.

    Bastrikov J.G, Vikulov S., Williams, P., Vinogradov O., Volich V.I, Galushkina L.I, Generalov A.M., Children's musical Theater studio Zlatova L., "Snow Maiden", Soloists of the Bolshoi Theater of Opera and Ballet, "The Passion" / / Encyclopedia of the Bolshoi Theatre - Minsk: Belarusian Encyclopedia behalf BROVKI 2013

IV. Materials and abstracts of conferences
    1. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Ballets E.Glebova: typology of genre forms and composition-dramatic model // The Modern world and the national musical culture: Materials of the International scientific conference «National traditions and the present» (Minsk, 5 - 7 October 2004.) - Minsk: LLC «Ark», 2004. - P. 134 - 140.
    2. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. The military theme in the Belarusian ballet: on the issue of Patriotic education by means of art. // Psycho-pedagogical and organizational basis of ideological work with students: Materials Interuniversity Scientific Conference (22 -23 February 2005) / Editorial Board.: Smolik AI (Ed..) and others. - Mn.: Bel. State. Univ of Culture and Arts, 2006. - P. 93 - 101.
    3. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. World and Belorussian musical theatre as a subject of studying and teaching of // The World of arts and children: problems of artistic pedagogy: proceedings of the III-rd International scientific-practical conference, Vitebsk, 25-26 September 2007. / Vit. gos. UN-t; editorial Board.: А.I. Murashkin (ed.) [et al.]. - Vitebsk: Publishing house of Walter «VSU them. Pmmasherov», 2007. – P. 156-158.
    4. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Women innovators in the art of dance // Gender and problems of communicative behavior: the Collection of materials of the Third international scientific conference. 1 - 2 November 2007 / Polotsk. State. University Press, Editorial Board.: A.A.Gugnin etc. - Polotsk: PSU, 2007. - P. 71 - 76.
    5. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. Continuity of genre forms in the modern Belarusian ballet // Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Continuity of genre forms in the modern Belarusian ballet / / Problems of Art, etnalogii and folklore. Vol. 3: in 2 Part 1. / Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore of the K. Nettles NASB; sciences. Ed. A.I. Lakotko: Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the K. Nettles IMEiF National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. "The art, folklore, ethnic traditions in solving actual problems of modern culture" (Minsk, 7-8 June 2007) - M. Law and Economics, 2007. – P. 258-265.
    6. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. Хореопластический theatre (theatre of dance) in Belarus (to the question of the ratio of music and choreography) // Actual problems of world culture: Materials Int. Scientific. Conf., dedicated. the memory of prof. U.D.Rozenfelda (Grodno, 8-9 April. 2008). In 2 parts Part 1 / Hr. State Univ. Kupala; Editorial Board.: A.P.Bogustov (Chief Ed.) [Et al.] - Grodno: GrSU 2008. - P. 202 - 205.
    7. Gudey -Kashtalyan V.G. Education and science: a variation of integration, the individual, creative approach // The world of art and children: the problems of artistic pedagogy: Proceedings of the IV-th International Scientific Conference, Vitebsk, 29-30 September 2009 / Vit. State. University Press, Editorial Board.: IA Sharapova (ed.). [Et al.] - Vitebsk: EE "VSU them. PM Masherova ", 2009. - P. 13-16.
    8. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Paradoxes of ballet through the prism of gender representations // Gender and problems of communicative behavior: the collection of materials of the fourth international scientific conference. - Novopolotsk : the CCGT, 2010. - P. 63 - 67.
    9. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. «Cinderella» by S. Prokofiev: the reinterpretation of the classics // Actual problems of world culture: Materials Int. Scientific. Conf., dedicated. the memory of prof. UD Rosenfeld (Grodno, 25-26 March 2010). In 2 parts Part 1 / GrSU them. Kupala; Editorial Board. : AP Bogustov (Ed.). [Et al.] - Grodno: GrSU, 2011. - P. 244 - 247.
    10. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Horeoplasticheskyvector in the development of the modern Belarusian theatrical art // Culture. Science. Creativity: Materials of IV International scientific.-conference for Conf., 22 - 23 April 2010. - Minsk.: The Belarusian state Academy of arts, 2011. – P. 268 - 273.
    11. Gudey-Kashtalyan V.G. Genre priorities of modern Belarusian music and theater / V.G. Gudey-Kashtalyan / / Culture of Belarus: the realities of our time: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Minsk, 12 - 13 June 2012 / State Educational Establishment "Institute of Culture of Belarus", Editorial Board. : II Crook (ed.). [And others] .. - M.: Institute of Culture of Belarus, 2012. - P. 344 - 246.

V. Criticism and publicism
    1. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Put a rock opera? // Literature and Art. - 2003. - August 1
    2. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. A visit to the "Gostitsa" // Culture. - 2003. - 20-26 September
    3. Gudey-Kashtalyan irreversible V. // Literature and Art. - 2003. - September 26
    4. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. About the bunny, mitral valve, and "De Re" // Teacher's Newspaper - 2007, March 29. - P.4.
    5. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Let the muse be with you! // Teacher's Newspaper - 2007, May 5. - P.14.
    6. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Children's music? // Teacher's Newspaper. - 2007, May 12. - P. 8 -9.
    7. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Dance of the future // Teacher's Newspaper. - 2007, August 4. - P. 11.
    8. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Invitation to the white dance // Teacher's Newspaper - 2007, November 15. – P. - 4. (Gallery "LaSandrArt." Exhibition of artist U. Kantsedaylava)
    9. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Subjective facts about the objective // Teacher's Newspaper - 2007, 29 November. - P - 4. (Gallery "LaSandrArt." Exhibition of artist V. Gubareva)
    10. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Adults and children: the relationship of time. (On the musical, the leisure industry and Belarusian phenomenon) // Teacher's Newspaper - 2007, December 8. P-10-11.
    11. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Comprehend heaven on Earth (the 50th anniversary of the BelarusianartistI. Barhatkova) // Teacher's Newspaper-2008, April 26. - P. - 24. (Gallery "LaSandrArt." Exhibition of artist I. Barhatkova)
    12. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. How to start an opera ... (The 85th anniversary of People's Artist of the BSSR L.I. Galushkinay) // Teacher's Newspaper - 2008, May 3. - P. – 11
    13. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Smile of the Cheshire cat ... // Teacher's Newspaper. - 2008, July 10. - P. 7. (Exhibition A. Demidava)
    14. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Kornyag Eugene "Mean dancing - it's me" // Youthfulness - 2008. - № 7 - P.105 - 109.
    15. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. An integral part of the universe (the premiere of the ballet "Flower Ball" N. Furman) // Art - 2008. - № 8 - P - 14-15.
    16. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Summer vacations or How to recharge your good mood // Teachers' Newspaper, 2008. - August 21. - P. 12. (Exhibition T. Patvorovoy)
    17. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Michael Kozinets. Maestro // Art, 2008. - № 10. - P. 32 - 35.
    18. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. The new planet the Little Prince // Teacher's Newspaper - 2008, November 1 - P.12 (the premiere of the opera A.Mdivani)
    19. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Phantom musical // Art. - 2008. - № 11. - P. 28 - 19.
    20. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Bayan can do anything! // Teacher's Newspaper - 2008, December 18. - P. - 16.
    21. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. If the "what" and "how to" come together. // Teachers' Newspaper, 2008. - December 20. - P. 21 (composer-artist V.Grytskevich)
    22. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. From year Mother Earth // Teachers' Newspaper, 2009. - February 19. - P. - 12. (Solo Helena Shestovskaya)
    23. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. The new world of the artist, or the Search for the woman // Teachers' Newspaper, 2009. - April. - P. 16. (Solo Vladimir Casing)
    24. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. In the gallery "LaSandr-art": after the fact and new prospects // Youthfulness, 2009. - № 8 - (color insert)
    25. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Broad expanse of sound. What inspires a composer? // Art. - 2010. - № 6 - P. 26 - 27.
    26. Gudey-Kashtalyan V., T. Mushinskaya Storyteller who performs miracles (the 70th anniversary of Valery Karetnikova) // Art. - 2010. - № 7. - P. 18 -19.
    27. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Polistylyavyya games over the abyss of mass culture. Musical in the Internet era // Art. - 2010. - № 8. - P. 42 - 45.
    28. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Flight of the soul, or the secrets of dance art // Youthfulness. - 2010. - № 9. - P. – 25
    29. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Word of the Ballet // The Passion (Rogneda) / Passion (Rogneda): ballet in two acts: score / Andrey Mdivani. - Moscow: Kolos Zmitser, 2010. - P. 3.
    30. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Happy anniversary, "Lily" // Teacher's Newspaper ----------------- 2011, April 23. - P.7.
    31. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Always Young "Lily" // Literature and Art. . - 2011, May 20. - P. - 19.
    32. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. "Lily" blooms all year round. Simul Evgeny Gladkov // Art, 2011. - № 7. - P. 12.
    33. Gudey-Kashtalyan B. Proceedings of the distance, or "Shagreen" in Saratov // Teacher's Newspaper Teacher newspaper. - 2012, April 7. - P.14.
    34. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. There was a "Shagreen" // Literature and Art. - 2012, April 19. - P. 19.
    35. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. "Song of Destiny". Return of the Legend. The product of Yanka Kupala and Vladimir Mulyavin // Art. - № 6, 2012. - P. 4 - 5.
    36. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. Between Broadway and Hollywood? Bernstein and Robbins moved to Minsk // Art. - № 9, 2012. - P. 10 - 11.
    37. Gudey-Kashtalyan V. At the crossroads of her discoveries // Youthfulness. - №10, 2012. - P. 112 - 119.