Savitskaya Olga Parfenovna

Savitskaya Olga Parfenovna

Savitskaya Olga Parfenovna, PhD in Arts (a candidate thesis defended in 1990), a Docent (since 1994), a Member of the Belarusian Composers Union and the Belarusian Music Professionals Union (BMPU), was born in Minsk, Belarus. In 1971 she graduated from the Musicological Department of the Belarusian State Conservatory named after A. Lunacharsky, the class of V.I. Yelatov, a Prof. Doctor Ph.. Under his scientific supervision O.P. Savitskaya also completed a post-graduate course in 1974. Her candidate thesis was devoted to theProblemofLargeGenresintheBelarusianSovietMusic: theSymphoniesof 1960-1980’s (Vilnius, the Lithuanian State Conservatory, 1990; the scientific supervisor – A.A. Drukt, PhD in Arts).

In 1977 O.P. Savitskaya was invited to undergo a training course at the Moscow Conservatory, with the guidance provided by Doctors Ph., Professors E.V. Nazaikinsky and Y.N. Kholopov. In 1982 she was granted an Honourable Diploma from the Belarusian State Conservatory named after A.

Lunacharsky, in 2007 – a Certificate of Commendation from the Ministry of Culture of Belarus and an Honourable Badge ‘For the Contribution to the Belarusian Culture Development’, and in 2012 – a Certificate of Honourable Commendation from the Ministry of Culture of Belarus.

Being a Docent of the Department of Music Theory, O.P. Savitskaya teaches a range of courses on Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis, Theoretical Problems of the Belarusian Music, and also provides guidance to MSc and post-graduate students. In 2009 one of her post-graduate students O.B. Suslova defended a candidate thesis on the Musical Hypertext Structure and Features (by the example of works by composer V. Kuznetsov).

O.P. Savitskaya’s scientific interests cover such fields of musicology as the Belarusian symphonic music and large instrumental genres of the western European Baroque. According to Savitskaya, the Belarusian symphony is an integrated genre and stylistic phenomenon to be considered in its dynamical development, with the contextual comparisons included.

The musicologist has presented her research results at multiple international and local conferences on the theoretical issues of the Belarusian symphony (the problems of style and forms) and the Baroque music (Minsk, Moscow, Vilnius, Daugavpils, Penza, Krasnodar, Lviv, and others). Savitskaya Olga – a member of the Belarusian Composers Union and the Belarusian Music Professionals Union, Societies of the theory music (Russia) and GfM (Germany).

Published Works

    1. Large Instrumental Genres in the Baroque Period: Organ Mass. Sonata da сhiesa. – Minsk: BelarusianStateAcademy of Music, 2008.
    2. Belarusian Concerto and Performing Art of the Last Third of the XX Century and the Beginning of the XXI Century – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2012. (in co-authorship).


аrticles on the Baroque Music Problems:
    1. Metamorphoses of Sonata da chiesa in the Baroque Period // Theoretical Musicology at the Turn of the Centuries / Collection of articles. – Minsk, BelarusianStateAcademy of Music. – 2002.
    2. Trio Sonatas of Dieterich Buxtehude – Stylistic Traits // The Diapason. – November, 2007.
    3. G.F. Handel’s Trio Sonatas: Compositional Issues // Organ Art / Proceeding of the Gnesin’s Conference on Organ Music. – Issue 1. – Moscow, 2010.
    4. Fugue Structural Features in D. Buxtehude’s Trio Sonatas // Culture. Science. Creative Work. / Collection of scientific articles. – Issue 5. – Minsk: BelarusianStateAcademy of Music. – 2011.
    5. Sonata da сhiesa Traditions in Henry Purcell?s Chamber and Instrumental Works // Proceedings of 6thInternational Scientific Conference. Present-day Musicology: the Permanent and the Changeable / Daugavpils universitates akademiskais apgads. “Saule”. – 2011.
    6. Henry and Daniel Purcell’s Ensemble Sonatas in the Context of Trio Sonata Traditions // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. – Issue 18. – Minsk, 2011.
    7. Sonata da сhiesa Traditions in Henry Purcell?s Chamber and Instrumental Works // Muzikas zinatne sodien: IV. Zinatnisko rakstu krajums. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universittates Akademikais apgads “Saule”, 2012.
    8. Trio Sonata in J. S. Bach’s Musical Offering: Genre Traditions Reflected in the Author’s Individual Style // Organ Art / Proceedings of the Gnesin’s Conference on Organ Music. – Issue 2. – Moscow, 2012.

аrticles on the Problems of Belarusian Symphony:
    1. Selected Features of Monoprosodic Cycle Theme Dramaturgy in E. Glebov’s Works // Issues on Music Theory and History. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola. – 1976.
    2. The Through Tonality and Harmonic Development in E. Glebov’s Symphonic Cycles // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR / Series of Humanitarian Sciences. – №2. – Minsk, 1979.
    3. Compositional Principles in E. Glebov’s Symphonies // Issues on the Belarusian Culture and Art. – Issue 1. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola. – 1982.
    4. E. Glebov’s Oratorio Invitation to the Country of Childhood (the Problem of the Composer’s Style Evolution) // Issues of the Belarusian Culture and Art. – Issue 4. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola. – 1985.
    5. Dramaturgic and Compositional Features of the Belarusian Symphony of the 1960-80’s // Issues on the Belarusian Culture and Art. – Issue 8. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola. – 1989.
    6. Non-typical to Sonatas Cyclic Compositions in D. Smolsky’s and A. Mdivani’s Symphonies of the 1980’s // Belarusian Soviet Music Nowadays: Theoretical Essays. Collection of scientific articles / Editor and compiler – A.A. Drukt. – Minsk: Belarusian State Conservatory. – 1990.
    7. Avant-garde Tendencies in the Belarusian Music from the 1960’s to the Beginning of 1990’s and the Problem of Large Instrumental Genres // Issues of the Belarusian Culture and Art. – Issue 12. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola. – 1993.
    8. Belarusian Symphony: Origins and Genre Evolution // The Problems of National Musical Cultures at the Turn of the Third Millennium / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Civilization and Culture: the Problem of the National Factor Actuality at the Turn of the Third Millennium (Musical Aspect) held on October 29-30, 1998. – Minsk: Belarusian Institute of Cultural Problems, 1999.
    9. S. Moniuszko’s Fantastic Overture Bajka (The Winter Tale): the Romantic Genre and Form Establishment in the Belarusian Symphonic Music // Romanticism in Music / Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, December 3-5, 1997. – Minsk, 1999.
    10. Belarusian Symphony at the Turn of the XXI Century // Musical Art at the Turn of the Centuries / Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Musical Works and the XXI Century: Traditions, Innovations and Perspectives, Minsk, April 21, 2000. – Minsk, 2000.
    11. The Issues of Symphonic Genre Formation and Development in Belarus // Theoretical Musical Problems in the XX Century. BSAM’s Scientific Works / Editor and compiler T.A. Scherbo. – Issue 6. – Minsk: BelarusianStateAcademy of Music. – 2001.
    12. Evgeny Glebov – a Symphonist // Modern World and National Musical Cultures. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the National Traditions and the Modernity held in Minsk on October 5-7, 2004. – Minsk: Covcheg, 2004.
    13. The Unknown Pages in the History of the Belarusian Symphonic Music: S. Moniuszko’s Overture Kochanka Hetmanska // Belarusian Musical Culture: Research Perspectives. Proceedings of the XIV Scientific Conference in the memory of L.S. Mukharinskaya (1906 – 1987). – Minsk: BelarusianStateAcademy of Music, 2005.
    14. Evgeny Glebov’s Theatrical Symphonism // MusicalAcademy. – №3 – 2005.
    15. Belarusian Symphony as a Phenomenon of the National Art: Stating the Issue // Music and Cultural Globalization. BSAM’s Scientific Works. – Issue 10. – Minsk, 2005.
    16. The National Symphonism Development in the Works by the Belarusian Composers of the XIX Century // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to Napoleon Orda’s 200th anniversary. Napoleon Orda: Life, Works, Artistic Heritage. Minsk, February 15-16, 2007. – Minks, 2007.
    17. From the Archival Materials: V.A. Zolotarev’s Symphonies №3 and №4 // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Academy of Music, № 14. – Minsk, 2009.
    18. Expert’s Precepts: Evgeny Glebov’s Symphonic Style // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Academy of Music, № 15. – Minsk, 2009.
    19. A. Mdivani’s Symphony №5 The Land’s Memory: New Principles of the Cyclic Composition in the Belarusian Symphony of 1980-1990’s // Musical Treasures of the Belarusian Land dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the musical and historical project of the National Concert Orchestra of Belarus / Compiler O.V. Dodiemova: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Perspectives of the Belarusian Musicology. – Nesvizh, May 13, 2010.
    20. The Symphony of the End of 1980’s and the Beginning of 1990’s: O. Khodosko’s Penitential Symphony №1 // Belarusian Music in the Second Hald of the XX Century: Tutorial. – Minsk, 2009.
    21. Viktor Pomozov’s Symphony (simfonia quasi una Betleem) // Belarusian Music in the Coordinates of the European Art / Proceedings of the Scientific Practical Conference under the XVI Festival Nesvizh Muses-2011 / Compiler O.V. Dodiemova. – Nesvizh, May 15, 2011.
    22. E. Glebov’s Symphony №3: at the Origins of the Belarusian Concert Symphony // Belarusian Musical Culture at the Historical Crossroads / BSAM’s Scientific Works. – Issue 26. – Series 1. Belarusian Musical Culture. – Minsk, 2011.
    23. S. Moniuszko’s Orchestral Overtures and the Genre and Stylistic Features of the European Romanticism // Chopin and the Paths of Development for the European Romanticism. Collection of articles. – Minsk, 2011.
    24. Composer Andrei Mdivani // Bulletin of the BelarusianStateAcademy of Music, № 20. – Minsk, 2012 (in co-authorship).

Other Activities
    O.P. Savitskaya has acted as a presenter for approximately 500 philharmonic concerts including such organ cycles as Anthology of Dieterich Buxtehude’s Organ Works, All J. S. Bach’s Organ Compositions, Composers’ Portraits, J. S. Bach and His Predecessors and Contemporaries (together with A.V. Fiseiskiy and K.K. Sharov), and a number of recital concerts of the Belarusian performers and composers (A. Bogatyrev, E. Glebov, K. Tesakov, V. Budnik, V. Domoratskiy, I. Palivoda, E. and S. Nosko, V. Kuryan, V. Voitik, I. Olovnikov, M. Zhiliuk, I. Krasnodubskiy, and others). She is the presenter for the programmes of “The World Organ Masterpieces” cycle. This is an international concert project organized by the Belarusian State Philharmonic and aimed at presenting the most outstanding organ performers from Belarus, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, France, UK, Italy, USA, and other countries. O.P. Savitskaya is not only the presenter, but also the author of a jubilee concert cycle dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Organ Hall in the Belarusian State Philharmonic (“Minsk Spring – 2013”).
    O.P. Savitskaya is the author of a wide range of articles in the following newspapers and journals “Sovetskaya Belarus” (“Soviet Belarus”), “LiM” (“Literature and Arts”), “Vecherny Minsk” (“Minsk at Night”), “Narodnaya Volya” (“Public Will”), “Mastatstva” (“Art”), “Neman”, “Belarus”, etc. She has also participated in a number of TV shows on such channels as Mir, Kultura (Culture), Belarus 1, STV (CTV), etc.

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