Tsmyg Galina Paulovna

Tsmyg Galina

Galina P. Tsmyg (Belarus) graduated from the Minsk Conservatory (choral conducting, 1989), the post-graduate course at the National Academy of Science of Belarus (musicology, 2000). She defended the Ph.D. thesis in 2005 (by Prof. Dr.Ph. T. Mdivani).

Galina .P. Tsmyg is working in the Department of Music at the Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and carries out the fundamental research in the fields of art criticism. In the center of her scientific interest is Belarusian music and the cognitive processes in the field of a cultural exchange of east- and western Europe. She is also concerned with scientific-theoretical problems of choral art.

Galina P. Tsmyg is taking part in the Belarusian and International Scientific Projects and Conferences, author of the articles, parts of the books, and monograph and giving lectures and master-courses in high schools in Belarus and abroad.

Tsmyg Galina P. – member of the Belarusian union of musical figures, of „Internationalen AG fur die Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa an der Universitat Leipzig» and «Gesellschaft fur Musikforschung» (Germany).

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