


    1.1. The Association of the Belarusian Music Researchers (hereinafter referred to as ABMR) is a voluntary public creative union of professionals in the field of musical theory who are actively involved into the development of modern musicology.
    1.2. ABMR is granted full organizational and creative independence, with its activity based on the principles of voluntariness, equality of its members and self-governing. ABMR follows the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus On Public Associations, the Law of the Republic of Belarus On Creative Unions and Creative Professionals, the current legislation and the Articles of the Belarusian Music Professionals Union (BMPU).
    1.3. ABMR is allowed to collaborate with the local state agencies and institutions, and with both local and foreign public organizations.
    1.4. ABMR is allowed to join international non-governmental organizations, to maintain direct contacts with them, to conclude the relevant agreements and to participate in the meetings, which do not contradict the international commitment of the Republic of Belarus.
    1.5. ABMR is a subdivision of the Belarusian Music Professionals Union with its own financial basis and subaccount.


    2.1. The ABMR goal is to participate in the process of developing the modern theoretical musicology, and to provide scientific interpretation and promotion to the achievements in the field of academic music (composing and performing arts).
    2.2. The main ABMR objectives include:
    2.2.1. Promoting the development of domestic theoretical musicology
    2.2.2. Promoting the active distribution and discussion of the theoretical musicological issues of composing and performing arts, cooperation between local and foreign musicologists, and extending the interdisciplinary relations
    2.2.3. Developing theoretical musicology issues of the modern academic music based on the works by the Belarusian composers
    2.2.4. Conducting music research in the following directions:
    • European composing art (Baroque and avant-garde music)
    • Academic music genres and styles (church music, symphony, choral concerto, opera, ballet, happening)
    • Musical and theoretical concepts
    • Musical acoustics and electronics
    • History of music theory
    • Foreign musicology
    • Music theory and performing art.
    ABMR is to create the respective workshops, committees and other units to join the efforts of individual researchers.
    2.2.5. Rendering assistance to ABMR members in identifying and implementing their scientific potential in the following forms:
    • Discussing scientific materials (music theory and performing art theory)
    • Organizing training courses and consultations aided by the leading musicologists from different countries
    • Publishing scientific and theoretical works in domestic and foreign scientific journals and collections of articles
    2.2.6. Performing educational activities
    2.2.7. Informing ABMR members and the community on the events in the field of modern academic musicology using mass media if necessary
    2.3. According to the stated goals and objectives, the ABMR activity types include:
    2.3.1. Rendering assistance to:
    • Establishing professional contacts, exchanging knowledge and creative experience between ABMR members
    • Providing advanced professional training to ABMR members
    • International and republican conferences in the field of musicology
    • Mending fences with musicologists from other countries
    • Publishing results of the research by ABMR members
    2.3.2. Providing:
    • Publication of music books, scores and reference books aimed to promote the works by the Belarusian composers
    • Scientificsupportforconcertprograms
    2.3.3. Coordinating and maintaining scientific ties between musicologists from different countries
    2.3.4. Legislatively proposing candidates for prize awarding from among ABMR members
    2.3.5. Initiating participation of ABMR members in scientific gatherings, congresses, conferences in Belarus and abroad
    2.3.6. Protecting social and professional rights of ABMR members
    2.3.7. Performing other functions according to the stated goals and objectives


    3.1. The ABMR membership is fixed.
    3.2. The ABMR membership is restricted to musicologists having the Belarusian citizenship.
    3.3. To join ABMR, one needs to be a citizen of Belarus, to have graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Music and to provide at least two recommendations from theoretical musicologists. The graduates of foreign higher educational establishments additionally need to provide:

    • A diploma of higher education in the field of musicology
    • A diploma of a musicologist-researcher
    • An academic degree diploma
    • At least five works published in local or foreign scientific journals in the field of music theory, all concerned with the theoretical music issues (composing and performing arts)
    • Acknowledgement of scientific achievements in the field of theoretical musicology as evidenced by publications (in journals or collections of articles)
    3.4. Admission to the ABMR membership is held at the Coordinating Committee sessions. An applicant must submit a written petition and provide all the publications needed.
    3.5. An applicant is not required to be a member of the Belarusian Music Professionals Union in order to enroll in ABMR. Those having no BMPU membership are admitted to ABMR for one year with the following recommendation from the ABMR Coordinating Committee to join BMPU.
    3.6. A candidate to become an ABMR honorary member is put forward by the ABMR Coordinating Committee, approved by the General Assembly and voted through open ballot.
    3.7. ABMR members are granted the following rights:

    • To elect and to be elected to the ABMR’s elective bodies
    • To conduct individual scientific research and to protect their research results
    • To participate in gatherings and events organized by ABMR and BMPU
    • To put forward suggestions regarding the ABMR activities and to take part in discussing them
    • To enjoy all the types of assistance provided by ABMR and BMPU
    • To cancel their ABMR membership
    3.8. ABMR members are granted with the following duties:
    • To observe the provisions of the Articles of ABMR
    • To take part in the ABMR activities
    • To pay the ABMR membership dues
    3.9.An ABMR honorary member is granted all the rights and duties of an ABMR member.
    3.10. A failure to comply with the provisions of the Articles and the actions discrediting ABMR may result in membership cancellation.
    3.11. The ABMR membership cancellation issue is considered by the General Assembly. The decision is made through open vote.
    3.12. Abandoned membership can be later restored in accordance with the usual enrollment procedure in a year following the cancellation decision.
    3.13. ABMR members can be remunerated for their active involvement in the ABMR activities and a significant contribution to the development of modern academic music in the field of music theory.


    4.1. ABMR enjoys the status of a Republican and public organization.
    4.2. The highest administrative body of ABMR is the General Assembly, with its sessions convened once a year. The agenda, the date and the venue for the sessions are set by the ABMR Coordinating Committee (hereinafter referred to as ABMR CC) one month in advance. A session is rendered competent with at least 2/3 of all ABMR members present.
    4.3. Special sessions of the General Assembly can be scheduled by ABMR CC’s decision or by 2/3 of all ABMR members.
    4.4. ABMRGeneralAssembly:

    • Approves the ABMR Articles, makes alterations and additions to the Articles
    • Elects ABMR CC (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Executive Secretary) and Inspector
    • Decides the ABMR reorganization and termination issues
    • Approves the main directions in the ABMR activity
    • Hears and approves the report on the activities of ABMR CC and the Inspector
    • Examines other issues regarding the ABMR authorized activity
    4.5. In between the sessions the functions of the General Assembly are performed byABMR CC, which is an executive board elected for five years.
    4.6. CC is an executive and administrative body of ABMR including CC Chairperson, CC Vice-Chairperson and CC Executive Secretary.
    4.7. ABMR Coordinating Committee:

    • Implements the decisions by the General Assembly
    • Develops the directions of the ABMR domestic and international activities
    • Provides guidance for the current issues in the ABMR activities
    • Approves annual plans and reporting
    • Approves new members and cancels the membership
    • Appoints a curator for particular projects
    • Introduces new workshops, committees and other ABMR units to direct their activities
    • Implements and examines the single accounting and reporting system of ABMR
    • Brings BMPU decisions the to the notice of ABMR members
    • Recommends ABMR members to be awarded for their achievements in the development of theoretical musicology in accordance with the established order
    • Considers other issues regarding the ABMR authorized activity. All the decisions are made through open ballots by a majority vote. When votes are equally divided, it is the Chairperson who makes the decision.
    4.8. ABMR CC Chairperson:
    • Is elected by the General Assembly for five years with an option of being multiply reelected
    • Coordinates scientific initiatives in the name of ABMR
    • Holds negotiations with state agencies, public and commercial organizations of Belarus and other countries
    • Represents ABMR at BMPU and public authorities meetings
    • Solvesorganizationalproblems
    4.9. ABMR CC Vice-Chairperson:
    • Is elected by the General Assembly for five years with an option of being multiply reelected
    • Holds negotiations with state agencies, public and commercial organizations of Belarus and other countries with the concurrence of ABMR
    • Represents ABMR at BMPU and public authorities meetings with the concurrence of ABMR
    • Solves organizational problems upon ABMR CC Chairperson’s agreement
    4.10. ABMRCCExecutive Secretary:
    • Is elected by the General Assembly for five years with an option of being multiply reelected
    • Considersorganizationalissues
    • KeepsABMRrecords
    • Prepares for the ABMR CC’s sessions
    4.11. Inspector:
    • Is elected by the General Assembly for five years with an option of being multiply reelected
    • Supervises the accomplishment of the provisions of the Articles, the General Assembly and ABMR CC resolutions
    • Checks the time-frames, legitimacy and validity of appeal refusals, ABMR members’ letters and applications
    • Supervises the timely payment of the BMPU membership dues by ABMR members


    5.1. The ABMR property and assets are formed from:
    • The BMPU membership dues by ABMR members
    • Donations and gifts by the citizens of the Republic of Belarus and other countries
    • Otherlegalcontributions
    5.2. All ABMR assets are accumulated in the BMPU account and tracked with an individual card. All the financial operations are conducted in a similar way. The commercial agreements and contracts initiated by ABMR are to be approved by the BMPU management.
    5.3. ABMR property and assets can not be reallocated between ABMR members.


    6.1. The ABMR termination is to be initiated by the respective resolution from the ABMR General Assembly and needs to be further approved by the BMPU Presidium.
    6.2. After the creditors’ claims have been fulfilled, ABMR property and assets are to be allocated for charity needs as assigned by the BMPU management.